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The first show was at a Howard Johnson Hotel near St. Louis Community College – Forest Park. It was at the third show where the Show found its permanent home at the American-Czech Educational Center where it continues to have six shows a year.
Carl and Bob began the club to enable music lovers to buy, sell and trade records.
After Mumper retired, Jim and Ruth Ronat became partners with Mr. Kuelker. When they retired (they continue to sell at the show, with lots of great local 45s amongst the finds), John Frese became Carl’s partner.
Carl always had a partner - someone to run the show so he could do what he loved best - hunt for records!
After Carl’s untimely passing in 2022, Linda Kuelker became John’s partner so that the show would continue.
The Show became a place to buy, sell and trade records, memorabilia, t-shirts, posters, anything music related. As the music industry evolved, the Record Collectors Show evolved with it: from eight tracks to cassettes, cassettes to CD’s and now back to vinyl.
Carl probably never dreamed that the record show would grow into what it is today…and will continue to be for many years to come…
A member of the Show's team will visit each table during the show for payment, and to see if the vendor wants to reserve a table for the next show. Payment is cash only.
There is no guarantee of availablilty on the day of the event.
Starting at 10:00am, it is $3 per person.
Some vendors may have credit card, Paypal, and/or Venmo abilities, but not all.
Both Randy and John had been operating online radio stations for several years. The annual St. Louis Classic Rock Trivia Night fundraised for local charities since 2014 as well. Upon incorporation, the Society was able to do more for local organizations, musicians and other individuals, including the Keep Live Alive events and grant programs in 2021 and 2022.
Our team members have been part of many of our events and efforts over the past eight years including our Trivia Night and Hall of Fame inductions, archiving history, promoting local artists, documentaries and musical events.
The Society moved its home base to Crestwood, MO on November 7, 2017 and since then we have continued to grow. We now have nine commercial-free internet stations with over 58,000 unique tracks in combined rotation. Last fall, our membership surpassed 570 individuals.
Starting with the January, 2024 show, The Society has begun to curate, organize, and run The. St. Louis Record Collectors Show at the American Czech Hall and with this endeavor, the Society's mission - "to preserve, promote and honor St. Louis' unique classic rock heritage and its place in music and pop culture history" - has never been stronger.
The commitment of our members to that cause, and to our local instiutions and venues, and local musician and others in the entertainment field shows that.
- By e-mail: Loading Email...
- By phone: 314.441.1235, ask for John Sebben
- Via our Facebook page:
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For reserving tables, please e-mail or call for the quickest service.